Friday 1 May 2015

15th April, Wednesday. new arrivals.

There is still some work to do in the storeroom to clear a space for Chris and Pauline to sort the clinic boxes, Steve, Sheila and I went round to the store after breakfast and spent the whole morning sorting goods into boxes, clearing space and getting out the airbeds and mosquito nets required for the weekend.  We returned home hot and sticky for a shower and change before getting in the truck to meet the new arrivals.  Steve dropped me at the Senegambia hotel to meet Iain, Denise and Julie, whilst he and Sheila went round to Mansea to meet Pauline and organise when they wanted to sort the  clinic boxes in the store. I met the new people and we talked about the trip up country which is planned for the weekend coming.  I also invited them to a Barbecue on Friday so they could get to know their travelling companions.  Steve then rang to say he was ready to pick me up and we all went to the front of the hotel to meet Steve before I got in the truck to return home.  Neil's for dinner, and then home, where we managed to watch a whole film before the power went off!  We are having an average of three hours a day with power at the moment, many rumours and explanations for this, shortage of diesel to run the generators seems to be the most obvious answer as money is tight in the country with the poor tourist season.

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