Monday 17 February 2014

10.2.14 Monday. More visitors

Fiona was going into Nemasu this morning for her first visit this year to help the teachers, so the taxi was here for her about 8.45am.  We had arranged to collect Sarah and Amy who had arrived last week from their hotel at Kotu, so Steve, Sheila and I went to meet them and take them along to Nemasu to see the school. When we arrived Class 1 was in the playground for their sports lesson, so we watched until the end of the lesson and then visited each class to see what the children were learning today.  Breaktime and the sports equipment came out again, the girls played ball with the children and turned the skipping ropes for some team games.  We stayed until nearly the end of the school day and then we all got back into the truck, including Fiona, a bit of a squash in the back seat, and took the girls back to their hotel.  The 4 of us then went on to Banjul for the afternoon.  Steve and I were sorting out our residents permits and id cards; and Sheila and Fiona were shopping.  We met Ousman who was coming with Steve and I to hopefully speed up the red tape, we entered the building for the id cards, and gave our photos and papers to the lady behind the desk.  Ousman stood with us and we got the id cards straight away, but when we went into the office for the residents permits they had run out of the material to make the cards and we will have to go back in a week or so.  Steve then took Ousman back to his office, whilst I went to the new shopping precinct to meet the others and have a cold drink.  Steve joined us and we all returned home for the evening.

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